Thursday, February 28, 2008

Get rid of it!

Ephesians 4:31 says, "Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice."

The fact that the Apostle Paul can say get rid of it means that bitterness is a choice. It may be your character right now, your habit, your default way of dealing with things. And if it is, you didn’t become bitter overnight. And if it’s not your habit, when you struggle with bitterness don’t let it become a part of who you are.

You might say, “But you don’t know how hard life is, how many bad things have happened to me, how many people have hurt me.” You’re right. Proverbs 14:10 says, “Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can share its joy.” I only know the bitterness that I have had to struggle with. No one else can feel what’s in my heart; that’s why no one else can choose joy for me! We all have to choose joy for ourselves.

Bitterness doesn’t just happen to us. Bad things happen to us. Bitterness is an optional response to those bad things.

It’s like if it starts to smell in our house, I know I better throw the trash out. I don’t want the smell of rotten food or mold, or the sight of an overflowing trash can festering with maggots. But just because I threw the trash out yesterday, doesn’t mean I won’t have to do it tomorrow. In even the cleanest household there will be trash, and you can choose to let it sit there until you go crazy or pass out from the stink, or you can decide to get rid of it.

The word for malice is kakia (kak-ee'-ah), which, to me, sounds a lot like caca. So you could say that Ephesians is telling us to get rid of our crap! And it’s not a one-time thing. Every time that trash can fills up I need to get rid of it. Every time bitterness wells up in me I need to get rid of it. Every time rage or anger starts to rise, I need to get rid of it. Every time I feel like brawling, shouting, or telling someone off, I need to pull it up by the root and get rid of my bitterness.

*from my message, "The Root of Bitterness," given at Fuel last Friday. Tomorrow, I will be speaking about anger.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Trying to outreach........

I did a presentation about The Journey tonight, in my Business Communications class, and it seemed to be well received. My classmates were attentive, and I could see many of them nodding in agreement. The surprising part was that out of the 15 people that raised their hand when I asked "How many of you are 18-29?", only three of them raised their hands when I asked them if their churches offered a Young Adult ministry. (I hope I reached some of them, by letting them know they have another option for spiritual growth). It absolutely amazes me that so many churches miss out on the opportunity to reach their young adults. They leave them to wander alone, and just assume that their spiritual journey will happen naturally. Most churches figure that once you're out of high school, you should automatically become a part of the Main Church.

The problem is, it's not that simple. Once you hit 18, your brain doesn't immediately shift to "Ok, I'm adult now. Time for me to join in the Main church activities, with people my parents age (or older)." It's absolutely scary once you turn 18. You're no longer a child, and most of the time you "age-out" of the high school group. (Not always, but it happens too often.) So you're left wondering "Now what? I no longer have a small group of people I can relate to, and I don't have much in common with the people my parents know from church." Often times, this is when young adults wander from the church. They are usually working, going to school, or both. So they become lured out into the world, and find it harder to resist temptation. They no longer have their small group to hold them accountable, and help encourage them along their walk with God. They often lose their way, and make choices they wouldn't have made otherwise.

More churches need to offer Young Adult ministries. It would be a blessing not only to the young adults, but to the church as well. If more young adults are given continued guidance past their high school years, they are more likely to become stronger Christians. If they are able to continue worshiping, praying, and fellowshipping with people their own age, they will feel more comfortable as they transition into their spiritual adulthood. Young Adult ministry allows the members to ask questions they may be afraid to ask in church. They are able to relate to many of the other members who might be going through similar experiences. They may encounter members who have already been through what they're going through, that may be able to offer assurance and guidance through the difficult times. They have a continued sense of belonging, rather than feeling like an outsider.

That's why The Journey is here. We offer this sanctuary to any young adults in the Inland Empire who might feel lost, or are unsure of what their next step should be. We're here to offer a community of people who can sympathize and empathize with their struggles. Our wish is not that they leave their home church, but that we are able to offer something additional, whatever they may feel is missing from their lives. We want to "Be the Difference" for them, and help them become the difference in the lives of others. We hope to enrich their spiritual lives, and help them strengthen their relationship with God. The Journey is a supplement, not a replacement.

Anyone who has questions, feel free to visit, and learn more about The Journey. We have a podcast available for anyone who wishes to hear some of the messages before they decide to join us on our journey of truth. God Bless!

Reading Through God's Victory - The Storyline

“What passes for history is merely the propaganda of the victor transcribed by different hands and described from different angles. The reason the Bible can never become irrelevant or outmoded is that, unlike all other histories, in its case the victor is God. Thus, in the most literal sense, the Bible is the Word of God.”

-Maclcom Muggeridge, from the book Christ and the Media.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Holy Scripture, Part 1 - Does the Bible leave a bitter taste in your mouth?

For those of us who remain unmotivated to even read the Bible, I offer this excerpt from A Fruitful Exhortation to the Reading and Knowledge of Holy Scripture by Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, written in 1547 but very relevant to us today. I plan to the remaining portions of this sermon over the next few weeks...

Unto a Christian man, there can be nothing either more necessary or profitable than the knowledge of Holy Scripture, for as much as in it is contained God’s true word, setting forth his glory and also man’s duty. And there is no truth nor doctrine necessary for our justification and everlasting salvation but that is (or may be) drawn out of that fountain and well of truth. Therefore, as many as are desirous to enter into the right and perfect way unto God must apply their minds to know Holy Scripture, without which they can neither sufficiently know God and his will, neither their office and duty. And as drink is pleasant to them that are dry, and meat to them that are hungry, so is the reading, hearing, searching and studying of Holy Scripture to them that are desirous to know God or themselves, and to do his will. And only their stomachs do loath and abhor the heavenly knowledge and food of God’s word that are so drowned in worldly vanities that they neither savor God nor any godliness. For that is the cause why they desire such vanities rather than the true knowledge of God. As they that are sick of a fever, whatsoever they eat or drink (though it be never so pleasant) yet it is as bitter to them as wormwood, not for the bitterness of the meat, but for the corrupt and bitter humor that is in their own tongue and mouth. Even so is the sweetness of God’s word bitter, not of itself, but only unto them that have their minds corrupted with long custom of sin and love of this world.

Break your unholy fast!

Some of you who have been with The Journey for a while may have noticed the absence of a call to fasting this lenten season. Usually, in the forty days leading up to Easter, we fast from something in order to identify with the suffering of Christ. We're not asking you not to fast. In fact, it may be something you decide you need to do. But this year, instead of calling a holy fast, we are calling you to break your unholy fast from God's Word.

Our theme this year is "be the difference." But how can we be the difference in our worlds if we aren't allowing God to be the difference in our hearts? Too many of us neglect our spiritual diets, starving ourselves at home and eating out only once or twice a week.

We at Centerpoint enjoy a good feast of biblical truth every time we get together. But if that's your only source of biblical nourishment you may need to rethink your diet. We all need to develop a habit of reading and a skill in studying the God's Word. We won't all be master theologians, just like we aren't all great chefs. But just as we should all be able to make ourselves a basic sandwhich, we should all learn to meditate on God's Word.

Of course, the first step in understanding the Bible is reading it. So, our challenge to you is to read just one chapter a day. If you would like to read along with us, here is this week's the schedule...

Saturday, February 23, 2008 – Genesis 37
Sunday, February 24 – Genesis 38
Monday, February 25 – Genesis 39
Tuesday, February 26 – Genesis 40
Wednesday, February 27 – Genesis 41
Thursday, February 28 – Genesis 42
Friday, February 29 – Genesis 43

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Last Night's Fuel Gathering

It was great. Pastor Shawn spoke about bitterness, and how it can truly affect your life. I never thought of it in the way that God revealed it through Shawn. I began to see the uselessness of being bitter. Here are some of my notes from his message (paraphrased):

Bitterness is keeping a record of wrongs, it boils up into Rage, which is uncontrolled passion. If you lose control, it can turn into Anger, which is a violent emotion. Anger can escalate into Brawling (fighting, punching), and become Slander (speaking ill about someone else). Any type of Malice, which is wanting to do harm someone or see them suffer, is wrong. Don't let Bitterness become part of who you are! Bitterness is an OPTIONAL response to bad things that happen. We deserve God's wrath, but He gives us grace.
"Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."
-Ephesians 4:31-32

When I heard these words, they truly hit home for me. How can I expect God to forgive me for my wrongdoings, if I can't forgive someone else? Who am I to judge the actions of someone else? I need to let go of all the wrongs that have been done against me, and forgive those who committed them. I am the one who is choosing to let these things continue to bother me. I am the one who chooses to be angry. I need to ask God to help me forgive them. I need to give my anger and frustration up to Him. I need to stop being bitter, because all it's doing, is eating away at me. It's tearing me up inside, and will eventually affect my entire life. As I sit here, typing this, I offer up my bitterness and resentment to God. I pray that He helps me to become a more forgiving person.

If you would like to hear Pastor Shawn's message, go to, and click on The Journey's Podcast.

Suffering -- ?

Suffering. What do you think of when you hear the word? It obviously means different things to different people, and i think that we all can bring to mind instances where we've suffered. Some of us may say that we are suffering now. I, in fact, would have said my wife and I are suffering now. Until I got to thinking a little while ago.

Suffering, I realized, is relative. What I consider suffering others consider a walk in the park on a sunny day without a care in the world. And, of course, vice-versa. How, you may ask, would I feel I am suffering? The majority of those who know my wife and I are aware that she quit her job at the end of December, with my encouragement. She was suffering at work, quite genuinely, and had been for some time, and it was time for her to leave there. So, with a great deal of emotionality (she'd been there 10 years), she quit. We figured she'd have no trouble getting another job, but that has not turned out to be the case.

So, she's been off work for nearly two months now. She gets to sit around the house all day... but she hates sitting around the house all day. She worked for ten years straight! Therefore, she suffers from boredom and stir craziness. We had no savings, so we've been struggling to make it on my salary, and while I don't make peanuts, it's barely popcorn, if you get what I mean. Suffering.


We still have our apartment; God has provided several times while Marla was still working and since. Last month we did cash advances to make rent -- kinda took it out of His hands there. So our suffering in that respect is nothing compared to those who are having to impose on friends and family, let alone those who have been forced to "live" on the streets. In the same vein, we have sufficient food, her car hasn't been repo'd, and we're healthy.

Yes, life would be easier if my car was running too. Yes, things would be more comfortable if my wife had a job too.

But here's the question: why are we being asked to "suffer"? What is the reason that she can't find a job, that we can't afford to fix or replace our second car, that we don't know where March's rent is coming from? Granted, our suffering is not so great when viewed in context, but it's more than I'd like. So... why?

If I never experienced want, I could have no empathy for those who have. As it is, I can truly say to someone who can't even see the ends, let alone how they meet, that I understand how she feels. I know the fear of looking at the last week of the month and knowing that the two paychecks I have before the date we'd get evicted will pay about half the rent. I know the agony of lying awake at night trying to decide if I own anything worth selling off so I can put enough gas in my (wife's) car to get back and forth to work for another week. I know the hypocrisy of standing in line at Taco Bell to buy lunch, just like everything's normal, when I know that the six bucks I'm about to spend would at least buy stuff to make lunches for a week. I understand all that; I've been there.

I think that's why God sometimes asks us to suffer, at least in relative terms. If we've never been broke, if we've never been truly ill, if we've never known aching loneliness, we can't truly ease the hearts and minds of those who have. Paul and James both tell us to rejoice in suffering, because suffering ends in character, hope, perseverance. Truly that is so, but it won't unless we realize that there's a point to what we're going through. Yes, we will grow from our experiences. But, in addition, we gain the opportunity to help others.

So next time you're suffering, ask yourself how much you're actually suffering. Then ask God who you can help.

Journey Update for 2/23

Greetings Young Adults!

I need to let you know about three things…

First, the College-Age Group is having dinner and a movie today, SATURDAY (2/23), at the Dahlke's at 4pm. If you are 18-23, be there!

Second, there will be no men’s group or women’s group THIS MONDAY (2/25). We will return next week. Stay tuned for more details on new series for those groups.

Third, if you have not yet started the Storyline Challenge, now is the time! The Storyline Challenge takes you through 13 books of the Bible that tell the whole story of the Bible from Creation to the Church. All the other books fit into that storyline somehow. So, if you read just these 13 books you would have a better understanding of how the entire Bible fits together. And the best thing is you can finish all these books in one year by reading just a chapter a day!

If you’re just joining us, today we are beginning the story of Joseph, who was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, then rose to power in Egypt. It is an example of how God can take a messed up life and turn it around for the good. Here’s a reading schedule for the week…

Saturday, February 23, 2008 – Genesis 37
Sunday, February 24 – Genesis 38
Monday, February 25 – Genesis 39
Tuesday, February 26 – Genesis 40
Wednesday, February 27 – Genesis 41
Thursday, February 28 – Genesis 42
Friday, February 29 – Genesis 43
And so on…

You can find the starting dates for each of the 13 books at This is an easy way for you to start, or get back into, an infinitely beneficial habit as the Spirit of God opens the pages of His Word to you.

Enjoy the journey!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thank you Jess & Kari!

I just wanted to thank Jessica & Karilee for their amazing presentation last Friday about autism. We now know the heartbreaking nature of autism and the passion they have for helping families find hope as they live with it. I especially enjoyed hearing about how God opened the doors for them to work with autistic kids and how He has used the experience since to shape their character and their view of the Christian life.

Unfortunately, to protect the privacy of Jess & Kari's clients, most of the touching and endearing details they shared at Fuel cannot be published online on this blog or on our podcast. But you can still be a part of their cause!

I urge you all to join The Journey's team as we Walk for Autism. Just go to and enter "34" as your Team ID, along with the rest of your information.

You can also donate here.

However you choose to be the difference, please pray for Jess, Kari, their co-workers, and the families they serve.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

B.E.S.T. Services

Behavioral and Educational Support Team Services, Inc

The Journey will be participating in the Coachella Valley Autism Society Walk on March 29, 2008, along with B.E.S.T. Services, to help raise money for Autism. Their goal is $25,000, and they currently have raised $2,500! If you would like to help with a donation you may do so by writing a check to B.E.S.T. Services, and give it to one of the walkers. Or you can go online and donate with a credit card or PayPal on the website: If you are interested in walking with us, you may join our team. All are welcome! To join, go to the website and click the link for the walk. Click on the "Join a Team" link, and enter in Centerpoint Church's ID number. Enter in your information and you will be added to the team!

Thank you so much for helping us in the fight against autism, and God Bless.

Centerpoint Church ID: 34

Friday, February 15, 2008

Facing Autism tonght at FUEL

See what you can do to change the world of autistic children tonight at FUEL.

Tonight, we meet in the Main Sanctuary at 170 West F Street in Colton.
Dinner starts at 6pm. Worship starts at 7pm.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Our very own Jess & Karilee to share about Autism and how you can help!

Whether or not you know someone with autism, you can be the difference in the lives of many families affected by it. Join us at this Friday at Fuel (2/15) as Jess & Karilee share their experience working with Autistic kids and show you how you can be the difference too!

THIS WEEK ONLY: Fuel will meet on the corner of 7th and F Street in Colton. Worship starts at 7pm, or come early for dinner at 6pm. Now with more insight & interesting info!

Now, your Journey leaders all have a chance to share their thoughts and hearts with you!

Rather than a blog with one voice, we figured it would be better to offer many voices with differing perspectives, all with the goal of equipping, encouraging and helping you take the next step in your journey!

Check back and see who writes next!

Storyline Challenge

Was wondering how everyone is doing with the Storyline Challenge. I hope it is helping everyone get better acquainted with the Word. If you're not sure where we are in the challenge, check The Journey's website at, or join us this Friday at Fuel, where we will read the current chapter before worship. Join us on this journey of learning more from the Bible. God Bless!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Be the Difference... Vote your conscience!

My fellow Americans:

In case you are undecided about whether you will take the time to stand in line to weigh in with your wisdom on the measures and candidates on the ballot today, allow me to help: DO IT! The polls are open from 7am to 8pm.

The question should not be if you will vote, but how will you vote and who exactly will you vote for? To help you with that, I have provided links to the appropriate measures and candidates below. Do take time to consider the issues and be a voice for what is good and right for California and America.

God Bless America!



Hillary Clinton –

Mike Huckabee –

John McCain –

Barack Obama –

Mitt Romney –

VIDEO: Candidates in their own words, with analysis -

QUIZ (just for fun): Presidential Candidate Selector –