For those of us who remain unmotivated to even read the Bible, I offer this excerpt from A Fruitful Exhortation to the Reading and Knowledge of Holy Scripture by Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, written in 1547 but very relevant to us today. I plan to the remaining portions of this sermon over the next few weeks...
Unto a Christian man, there can be nothing either more necessary or profitable than the knowledge of Holy Scripture, for as much as in it is contained God’s true word, setting forth his glory and also man’s duty. And there is no truth nor doctrine necessary for our justification and everlasting salvation but that is (or may be) drawn out of that fountain and well of truth. Therefore, as many as are desirous to enter into the right and perfect way unto God must apply their minds to know Holy Scripture, without which they can neither sufficiently know God and his will, neither their office and duty. And as drink is pleasant to them that are dry, and meat to them that are hungry, so is the reading, hearing, searching and studying of Holy Scripture to them that are desirous to know God or themselves, and to do his will. And only their stomachs do loath and abhor the heavenly knowledge and food of God’s word that are so drowned in worldly vanities that they neither savor God nor any godliness. For that is the cause why they desire such vanities rather than the true knowledge of God. As they that are sick of a fever, whatsoever they eat or drink (though it be never so pleasant) yet it is as bitter to them as wormwood, not for the bitterness of the meat, but for the corrupt and bitter humor that is in their own tongue and mouth. Even so is the sweetness of God’s word bitter, not of itself, but only unto them that have their minds corrupted with long custom of sin and love of this world.
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電子煙深陷風波 *IQOS*依然矗立
5 years ago
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