Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Need to Give

We need to realize our need in order to receive.
We need to receive in order to give.

Friday, August 29, 2008

The Journey Update

Hey everyone,

Cristina and I are back from a very enjoyable week in Washington State. We are refreshed and ready to serve the Lord with you again here in the Inland Empire! With Labor Day upon us, the traditional end of summer, we are so thankful for what God has been doing in The Journey these last few months, in our Journey Groups, at Fuel, through Summer Sports Series IV, and through the Be the Difference campaign.

AT FUEL TONIGHT, we will be having our last dinner together for a while. Starting next week, dinner will no longer be served before Fuel, although we will still have dessert afterwards. Instead, we are asking you to come five, ten or fifteen minutes early, not to fellowship, but to pray. Let’s use that time before Fuel to prepare our hearts and pray for God’s presence and provision.

TOMORROW MORNING (8/30) IS YOUR LAST CHANCE to be the difference with The Journey this summer. We are once again going out to feed the homeless of our community. Meet us at Centerpoint at 8am to make sandwiches. Then go with us to show a little bit of God’s love as we talk, pray and pass out food together.

THIS SUNDAY is another important date because that’s the day we begin reading 1 Kings as part of this year’s Storyline Challenge. As we head into the autumn season this may be the perfect way for you to devote yourself afresh to reading the Bible. Just read one chapter a day. And don’t worry about reading ahead or skipping a day; that’s fine. The goal is to develop a regular habit of being in God’s Word and allowing Him to transform us by His truth. I hope you will commit to reading the Storyline Challenge with us.

May God bless your journey!

Monday, August 25, 2008

In need of prayer.........

Rex and I could really use some of your prayers right now. This morning, at 6am, my car loan company repossessed my car. Thankfully, the tow truck driver rang the doorbell, and gave Rex a chance to get all of our things out of the car before he took it. That was truly a blessing, because tow truck drivers don't normally do that. I know it's just a car, but that was my car. I had it before Rex and I got married, and even though he helped with most of the payments, it was always seen as mine. I had never owned anything else. We had it for two years, and I believe it would have been paid off sometime next year. Unfortunately, because I'm not working, we got behind in payments. We needed all our available money to pay for rent, utilities, etc. My car payment kept taking a back seat to other bills. We had never intended to get so far behind.

Please pray that God provides a way for me to get my car back. We can't keep using Rex's mom's car, because she'll need it eventually. It belongs to her. She just lets us use it out of the goodness of her heart. If, for some reason God doesn't want me to have my car back, please pray that he provides another means of transportation for us, so we can return Rex's mom's car to her. Thank you.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Journey Update


As you may know, our theme and our goal for this year is to BE THE DIFFERENCE! And we have two important opportunities for you to do that.

First, we are going to be feeding the homeless. We’re going to be making sandwiches and passing out food at a local park. We need people ready to serve and willing to reach out with the love of Jesus. We’re meeting at Centerpoint THIS SATURDAY (8/16) at 8am to carpool. If you can, bring $5 to help cover the cost of food; if you can’t, it’s okay, just come and help. I hope you all can be there!

Secondly, well, I’ll just let Marla explain…

Here at The Journey we need people who are looking for a way to serve God by serving others. Our volunteers help our Friday night FUEL services run more smoothly. Without our volunteers, we wouldn't be able to give our attendees the full spiritual experience they are searching for. In fact, if it weren't for all of our volunteers, Fuel might have never existed!

Currently, we need volunteers in the following areas: childcare (teaching lessons and doing crafts), dinner (planning, purchasing and preparing meals), and technicians (setting up and engineering sound for worship).

If you feel that God has put it on your heart to help others and you want to be a part of the ministry of The Journey, let us know! We are looking for God-loving and God-honoring people to be the difference with us as we serve one another. If you would really like to be one of those people, or if you just want to know more, contact us at We would love to hear from you!

So those are our two big BTD opportunities. Also, don’t miss this week’s Fuel as we discuss “Loving the Poor.” Please be praying that God would do great things as we take these steps toward being the difference in His name.

See you on the journey!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Get ready for an ALL JOURNEY POT LUCK POOL PARTY!!!!! It all starts at 1pm this Saturday (8/9) at Evan & Adda's house in Grand Terrace. Bring a dish or dessert to share, along with a towel and sunscreen! Email us for directions (

Coming next Saturday... be the difference by feeding the homeless.