Sunday, March 23, 2008

Death is not the end, but a means to an end.

"But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a human being, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a human being. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. But in this order: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him. Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death." - 1 Corinthians 15:20-25

Christ, in His human nature, is kind of a prototype. He has died and risen from the dead. And when He comes back, those of us who put our trust in Him will also be resurrected—body and soul!

"Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is." - 1 John 3:2

"But someone will ask, 'How are the dead raised? With what kind of body will they come?' How foolish! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. When you sow, you do not plant the body that will be, but just a seed, perhaps of wheat or of something else. But God gives it a body as he has determined, and to each kind of seed he gives its own body." - 1 Corinthians 15:35-38

What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. This is true of a seed that dies to become food for the root and stem that grows out of it and becomes a plant or tree. This was true of Jesus who was lifted up on a cross that he may be exalted in resurrection. This is true of our souls when we die to sin by faith in Christ, and live in the freedom and the power of the Spirit.

"So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body." - 1 Corinthians 15:42-44

"And just as we have borne the image of the earthly man [ADAM], so shall we bear the image of the heavenly man [CHRIST]. I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable." - 1 Corinthians 15:49-50

The human race will once again bear the image of God without the tarnish of sin. And if our bodies die, along with our corrupted nature, we can rise again to new life and experience all the spiritual blessings we have in Christ. So, for the person who trusts in the death and resurrection of Christ, death is not the end, but a means to an end.


*from "There Is No Hope," my message for Good Friday Fuel.

Friday, March 21, 2008

The Journey Update

Tonight we are hosting Centerpoint’s Good Friday Service in the Student Ministries Building. We will be addressing the question—“What if there is no god?”—in light of the death of Christ. Not only is this the first Fuel open to young and old alike. But it is our biggest team effort to date. Chris has drawn a portrait of Jesus, Ammie has written a eulogy, which Andre will be reading, and Jess has written a song—all for tonight’s Fuel gathering. It all starts at 7pm, but you will want to come a little early to find a seat. Also note: there will be no dinner served, but dessert will be available afterwards.

Just added to our schedule: “Expelled” with Ben Stein at Biola University! How are scientists who follow the evidence that leads to Intelligent Design treated in the academic community? Find out in this sneek peek event featuring Ben Stein. Buy your tickets online for $10 here. Then email us to let us know you are coming ( We will be meeting at Centerpoint this Thursday at 5:45pm to carpool to Biola. We should be back by 11pm.

Finally, this week is your last chance to check out to learn how to be the difference to families of autism.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Tomorrow night..........

The Journey is hosting the Good Friday Service at Centerpoint Church. Everyone is welcome! The service is open to people of all ages. Come join us for a beautiful service in remembrance of Jesus Christ, and what He sacrificed for us. The service starts at 7pm, in the Student Ministries Building, at Centerpoint. We are offering childcare for children 0-12 years old, so parents can come to the service. Teenagers are welcome to come to the service with their parents. We will have worship, prayer, and a message from Pastor Shawn. We will also be offering dessert after the service, for those who wish to stay and fellowship together. We look forward to all of those who will be attending.

For more information about The Journey or the Good Friday Service, please check out our website at, or Centerpoint's website at

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Why Do We Forget?

Why is it that we forget the things that were revealed to us in the past so quickly? Some how when life gets too rough we forget the things that have guided us through the toughest issues in the past. Or maybe it's not that we forget, but that we don't remember. That's why we can't conquere this world on our own.
Suddenly, I had forgotten what I knew all you need is God. Things got a little rough. I finally realized I was feeling too much pressure and it's not like the world made it any better. So, I was finding ways to get things off my mind like tv, or playing out my story ideas in my head, and even cleaning became a distraction to my burdened thoughts. Why didn't I just turn to God? You know he was reaching out and calling me the whole time probably. So, one day at Fuel, I think two Fridays ago, Jess sang a few songs that really clicked. God showed me that yeah, it's okay to enjoy watching tv and thinking about my stories, and cleaning(really who enjoys cleaning), but that's all they are. They will never take away the pain or stress I was dealing with and will only cover them up. The ultimate joy that will never get boring or will never stop satisfying is God. Granted, I still felt pressure to the point where I wanted to explode on Saturday, but I had gotten(or was reminded) of the peice of the puzzle. And you know what's funny I wrote a drama about the things of this world are fun, but God is satisfying (and fun, too, of course. I'd rather praise God than watch tv for 3 hours anyday). And it never clicked that that's what I needed to remember.
Well about Saturday. It was horrible (I just like using that word to describe bad things). I think I woke up to a bad day. Usually, I'll know if I'm gonna have a bad day if the morning goes bad, but I knew as soon as I got up. It's my fault, I let the sun go down on my anger. Anyway, it's almost like I would try to make it better (with effort) and it'd get worse. So, on my break I went to the car and cried. (It was good for me) Then it started to rain and I don't know how I thought about it or where it came from, but I remembered God is big and powerful. He'll get me through my troubles because he's bigger than it. Then it snowed and I think He make it snow to make me feel better. Maybe, I was trying to think of Scriptures to encourage me. Honestly, God is ultimate relief, but a lot of times reading a Scripture will assure me and that'll comfort me. Well, the rest of the day wasn't any better. I acted like, quoting my mom, a "pycho". I just wanted to be by myself and I felt like curling up in a ball and being alone. That's not surrendering in God's peace. That's dealing with life without God territory. How dare I act that way? That's not how I should feel. I'm not sure if your really not supposed to act that way. But I didn't reach out to God like I should have. That's when it's not okay. So, I really sat down and prayed and just got everything out and gave it to God. Now that's the easy part. The hard part is leaving it in his hands, I have a tendancy to take it back. So, maybe I did forget and God reminded me at the right moment.

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Journey Update



First, let me remind you to check out our new blog! Just go to our website ( and click on "IE."


Second, an important announcement about BE THE DIFFERENCE is that we are making signs for the Autism Walk tonight (Friday, March 14) after Fuel. If you can't make it for Fuel at 7pm, then join us at 8:30. We'll be in the Student Ministries Building… and there will be food! Learn more at ""


Third, don't miss our annual Spectacular SAINT PATRICK'S DAY POT LUCK O'GOLD. You can bring a yummy dish or dessert to share, or just bring yourself (dressed in green, of course)! It all starts Monday, March 17 at 6pm at CJ and Ellie's house in Rialto. If you know what you are going to bring, or want to know what we still need, contact Cristina at


Finally, The Journey is hosting a special GOOD FRIDAY service for the whole Centerpoint family at Fuel week, March 21, at 7pm! Note: there will be no dinner served that night, so plan ahead.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Ability to Decide

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

There is No Meaning

If you missed Fuel last Friday, you can now hear the message at I usually upload them on Tuesdays. Here's an excerpt from "There is No Meaning":

Most of us know what’s wrong with us; we know the emptiness and sin inside. And we know that if there is a God He can give us second life. But we’ve been stripped of our confidence to come to Him. Those who do not believe say life is what you make of it. But Jesus follow me and I will make you; come to me and I will give you rest.

Monday, March 10, 2008

connecting the dots

I've been a christian for about 13 years now. In those 13 years i've read bits and pieces of the bible here & there. I've tried to read from the beginning a few times only to get to Genesis Ch 3 or 4 and then no further. There have been times when I've felt ashamed that I din't know the bible. At times it seems as if my sister (a claimed athiest) knows more about what's in the bible than I do.

I'm enthusiastic to say that that's slowly changing! Tonight I was at the women's bible study. We were studying Miriam tonight (Moses' sister). I never knew why the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt until tonight. It all made sense though because I've been reading along with the storyline challenge. I was able to connect everything. People and places have become more real to me. There are 2 other women in the group that are going through the challenge as well. It's neat to be on the same page as everyone else in our readings. Talking about it makes everything so much clearer.

To some who know every book in the bible, this may seem trivial. To me, it's a huge step in my walk with God. I'm excited to continue reading His Word and getting a clearer picture of who God is and His people. I encourage anyone else to go through it also. If you haven't started yet, just pick up from where we are on that day. The schedules is on or below.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Storyline Challenge: Exodus

Tomorrow, we begin reading Exodus, the second of the Five Books of Moses, located in the beginning of the Bible. Exodus covers the birth of Moses, God's deliverance of His people from Egypt--over 2 million people--in about 1446 B.C. (including the 10 plagues and parting the Red Sea), and the giving of the Law at Mt. Sinai.

If you do not have a regular Bible reading routine, please consider reading along with us. Here is the reading schedule for this week...

Saturday, March 8 – Exodus 1
Sunday, March 9 – Exodus 2
Monday, March 10 – Exodus 3
Tuesday, March 11 – Exodus 4
Wednesday, March 12, Exodus 5
Thursday, March 13 – Exodus 6
Friday, March 14, Exodus 7

for more information about the Storyline Challenge visit


To whet your appetite for tonight's Fuel...

Journey Update


It wasn't until I was sharing these announcements with the Wednesday night Thru the Bible group this week that I realized how many great things we have happening on The Journey this month.

MARCH 7—What if there is no God? We have a new series in store for you this month at Friday Night Fuel. Join the discussion as we explore reasons why a world without God is a world without meaning, freedom, hope or honor. We meet at 7pm in the Student Ministries Building on the corner of La Cadena Drive and F Street in Colton, or come early for dinner at 6pm. Childcare is provided.

MARCH 10—New Men's & Women's Journey Groups Begin. Our men are following the Storyline Challenge through Exodus. And our women are starting a study called "Women Who Achieved for God." Learn more here.

MARCH 14—Be the Difference! Our next "Be the difference!" opportunity is making signs for the Autism Walk next week after Friday Night Fuel. For more information on autism and how you can help, please go to "" and share this link with your friends.

MARCH 17—St. Patrick's Day Pot Luck Party. Whip up a delicious dish or dessert to share and come on over to the Clark's for some Celtic craziness! It all starts Monday, March 17 at 6pm in Rialto. Don't forget to wear green. Details TBA.

MARCH 21—Good Friday Memorial Service for Jesus of Nazareth. The Journey is hosting a Good Friday service for the whole Centerpoint family at Fuel at 7pm! This would be a great time to bring your parents. There will be no dinner served that night, so plan ahead.

MARCH 29—Autism Walk. Sign up today to walk with us! Enter team number 34 along with the rest of your information here.

EVERYDAY—Get fresh blogging to fuel your daily journey! Our new blog is called "The Journey of the Inland Empire," or "IE" for short. You can read thoughts by many of your journey group leaders, add your own insight and find links to other interesting journey bloggers. Read it now, or subscribe here.

So I guess what I'm saying is, you may want to print this email out and keep it next to your calendar so you won't miss an ounce of all this Journey goodness!

May God bless your journey!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Seven Deadly Sins That Lead to Debt

I just ran across an interesting article on managing money. Now, I know you all have you finances under control. You all are probably rolling in the dough. But just in case you don't quite know how to advise your friends on the matter, here are some tips: Seven Deady Sins

If you're looking for more help, on budgeting and investing and paying off debt, you might want to try these websites:
Dave Ramsey
Crown Financial Ministries

Also, don't miss Fuel in April when our series will be "Is God Worth it?: How we honor God with our finances."

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

"Our Struggles Within" now on MP3

Our February series has come to an end. And now we're gearing up for our March series, "What if there is no god?" But you can still hear past messages on our Fuelcast. The entire February series, "Our Struggles Within," is now online.

Series titles include...
"The Reality of Depression" by Mark Cox, marriage and family therapist
"Growing Confidence," "The Root of Bitterness," and "Just Anger" by Pastor Shawn

Unfortunately, due to privacy issues, we are unable to podcast the autism presentation.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Holy Scripture, Part 2 - The Well of Life

"Therefore, forsaking the corrupt judgment of carnal men, which care not but for their carcass, let us reverently hear and read Holy Scripture, which is the food of the soul. Let us diligently search for the well of life, in the books of the New and Old Testaments, and not run to the stinking puddles of men’s traditions, devised by man’s imagination, for our justification and salvation. For in Holy Scripture is fully contained what we ought to do and what to eschew, what to believe, what to love, and what to look for at God’s hands at length. In those books we shall find the Father from whom, the Son by whom, and the Holy Ghost in whom all things have their being and conservation, and these three persons to be but one God and one substance. In these books, we may learn to know our selves, how vile and miserable we are, and also to know God, how good he is of himself and how he communicates his goodness unto us and to all creatures. We may learn also in these books to know God’s will and pleasure, as much as (for this present time) is convenient for us to know. And (as the great scholar and godly preacher Saint John Chrysostom says), whatsoever is required of man for salvation is fully contained in the Scripture of God. He that is ignorant may there learn and have knowledge. He that is hard-hearted and an obstinate sinner shall there find eternal torments (prepared by God’s justice) to make him afraid and to soften him. He that is oppressed with misery in this world shall there find relief in the promises of eternal life, to his great consolation and comfort. He that is wounded (by the Devil) unto death shall find there medicine whereby he may be restored again unto health. If it is required to teach any truth or reprove false doctrine, to rebuke any vice, to commend any virtue, to give good counsel, to comfort, or to exhort, or to do any other thing requisite for our salvation, all those things (says St. Chrysostom) we may learn plentifully from the Scripture. There is (says Fulgentius) abundantly enough, both for men to eat and children to suck. There is whatsoever is convenient for all ages and for all degrees and sorts of men. These books therefore ought to be much in our hands, in our eyes, in our ears, in our mouths, but most of all in our hearts. For the Scripture of God is the heavenly meat of our souls. The hearing and keeping of it makes us blessed, sanctifies us, and makes us holy. It converts our souls; it is a light lantern to our feet; it is a sure, a constant, and a perpetual instrument of salvation; it gives wisdom to the humble and lowly hearts; it comforts, makes glad, cheers and nurtures our consciences; it is a more excellent jewel or treasure than any gold or precious stone; it is more sweet than honey or honeycomb; it is called the best part, which Mary did choose, for it hath in it everlasting comfort. The words of Holy Scripture are called words of everlasting life, for they are God’s instrument, ordained for the same purpose. They have power to convert through God’s promise, and they are effectual through God’s assistance, and (being received in a faithful heart) they have ever a heavenly spiritual working in them. They are lively, quick, and mighty in operation, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and enter through, even unto the dividing asunder of the soul and the spirit, of the joints and the marrow. Christ calls him a wise builder that builds upon his word, upon his sure and substantial foundation. By this word of God we shall be judged: for the word that I speak (says Christ) is it that shall judge in the last day. He that keeps the word of Christ is promised the love and favor of God, and that he shall be the mansion place or temple of the blessed Trinity. This word, whosoever is diligent to read, and on his heart to print what he reads, the great affection for the transitory things of this world shall be diminished in him, and the great desire for heavenly things (that are therein promised by God) shall increase in him. And there is nothing that so much establishes our faith and trust in God, that so much conserves innocence and pureness of heart, and also of outward godly life and conversation, as continual reading and meditation on God’s word. For that thing which (by perpetual custom of reading Holy Scripture, and diligent searching of the same) is deeply printed and graven on the heart, at length turns almost into nature. And, moreover, the effect and virtue of God’s word is to illuminate the ignorant and to give more light unto them that faithfully and diligently read it, to comfort their hearts and to encourage them to perform that which by God is commanded. It teaches patience in all adversity; in prosperity, humbleness; what honor is due unto God; what mercy and charity to our neighbor. It gives good counsel in all doubtful things. It shows to whom we shall look for aid and help in all perils, and that God is the only giver of victory in all battles and temptations by our enemies, bodily and ghostly. And in reading of God’s word, he most profits not always that is most ready in turning to the book, or in reciting it without the book, but he that is most turned into it, that is, most inspired with the Holy Ghost, most in his heart and life altered and transformed into that thing which he reads—he that is daily less and less proud, less ireful, less covetous, and less desirous of worldly and vain pleasures; he that daily (forsaking his old vicious life) increases in virtue more and more. And, to be short, there is nothing that more maintains godliness of the mind and expels ungodliness than does the continual reading or hearing of God’s word, if it be joined with a godly mind and a good affection to know and follow God’s will. For without a single eye, pure intent, and good mind, nothing is considered good before God." (from A Fruitful Exhortation to the Reading and Knowledge of Holy Scripture by Thomas Cranmer)

Saturday, March 1, Genesis 44
Sunday, March 2 – Genesis 45
Monday, March 3 – Genesis 46
Tuesday, March 4 – Genesis 47
Wednesday, March 5 – Genesis 48
Thursday, March 6 – Genesis 49