Friday, May 9, 2008

"I CAN!" be the difference

The Journey is partnering with Tunde and Friends this summer, praying for them helping to support them financially.

There are many ways you can help. But one thing we are ask the entire Journey to do is bring in all the cans you can—from your household, your friends, your family, anywhere—and bring them in every Friday.

We’ll cash them in and donate the money directly to Tunde and Friends Ministries.

- Please rinse them out before bringing them.
- Any plastic bottles with "CRV" on them are also acceptable.
- You may want to redeem them yourself and simply bring in the money.
- You could also give a tax deductable gift. Write a check to Centerpoint Church and write "Tunde and Friends" in the memo.

Yes, we are putting a group together for Nigeria this summer. I will leave after school is out around July 3 and return August 22 just before resumption of the 2008/2009 school year. We are trusting God for the grace to continue to make a difference by making friends, touching hearts and changing lives as we express the love of Christ. This year, in addition to the free medical screening we intend to intensify efforts towards disability awareness in congregations and communities, making church buildings accessible by building ramps, providing wheelchairs, etc. Reaching out to high schools and colleges with the same message, we intend to introduce the Disabled Students Services program to the colleges and universities, with the aim of easing the problems students with disabilities encounter in getting into colleges, getting around while in college and graduating from college. We are also planning on introducing the "True Love Waits" service in some church congregations. These are some of the things planned for this year.