Sunday, July 20, 2008

Warriors serve up first win.

Huntington Beach, Ca—Some may say it was the brisk beach air, or the cool cloud cover, but for the Warriors of Love (WOL), it was a plain matter of perseverance. Of course, it looked bleak at first, as the undefeated Love Potion #1 (LP) easily won the first in a best-of-three volleyball match. But WOL kept positive, showing constant support for their teammates and a determination to keep playing the best game they could. With a combination of strong serving and tight defense they won the second round to tie up the match. Now, it was anyone’s game, and both sides knew it. There was plenty of ducking, diving and even a little dancing. Both teams put their best feet forward (especially Jessica Landis of WOL), but in the end game point went to WOL. And as icing on the cake they also walked away with all the bonus points for the day, closing the point gap for the series to a mere 50 points.

VOLLEYBALL SCORE… WOL: 100 + 25 +25 = 150; LP: 0.

CURRENT STANDINGS after four events... LP: 350; WOL: 300.

Friday (7/25) it’s anyone’s game as The Journey introduces Wii Sports for the first time to Summer Sports Series. Any young adult is welcome to join a team. Dinner starts at 6pm. Fuel starts at 7pm. See for all the latest Summer Sports Series news.


Marla said...

Yay Warriors! Great comeback! LP is a hard team to play against, but you finally succeeded with a win! I'm so proud of you! I wish I could have been there to experience it with you. There's still plenty of time for us to turn everything around. Great game everyone! Everyone plays with plenty of heart and appreciation for their teammates AND opponents.