Friday, August 29, 2008

The Journey Update

Hey everyone,

Cristina and I are back from a very enjoyable week in Washington State. We are refreshed and ready to serve the Lord with you again here in the Inland Empire! With Labor Day upon us, the traditional end of summer, we are so thankful for what God has been doing in The Journey these last few months, in our Journey Groups, at Fuel, through Summer Sports Series IV, and through the Be the Difference campaign.

AT FUEL TONIGHT, we will be having our last dinner together for a while. Starting next week, dinner will no longer be served before Fuel, although we will still have dessert afterwards. Instead, we are asking you to come five, ten or fifteen minutes early, not to fellowship, but to pray. Let’s use that time before Fuel to prepare our hearts and pray for God’s presence and provision.

TOMORROW MORNING (8/30) IS YOUR LAST CHANCE to be the difference with The Journey this summer. We are once again going out to feed the homeless of our community. Meet us at Centerpoint at 8am to make sandwiches. Then go with us to show a little bit of God’s love as we talk, pray and pass out food together.

THIS SUNDAY is another important date because that’s the day we begin reading 1 Kings as part of this year’s Storyline Challenge. As we head into the autumn season this may be the perfect way for you to devote yourself afresh to reading the Bible. Just read one chapter a day. And don’t worry about reading ahead or skipping a day; that’s fine. The goal is to develop a regular habit of being in God’s Word and allowing Him to transform us by His truth. I hope you will commit to reading the Storyline Challenge with us.

May God bless your journey!